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Automatic intelligent toilet with deodorization function, white color, 4.84 LPD

4.9 216 Avis des clients
999,99 € Save 100,00 € (10%)
Fallas Sales Limited Time
Livraison gratuite à : 28001-Madrid
La description
This intelligent toilet with a contemporary design stands out for its elegant tankless style and its innovative automatic flushing system, which makes it easy to use. The combination of a high-quality conventional ceramic toilet with the latest technological innovations results in an advanced model that offers luxurious features such as heated seat, warm water, air drying and much more. In addition, its ecological and sanitary design practically eliminates the need for toilet paper or wet wipes, since the jets incorporated in this model represent the most efficient and advanced option available on the market.

Tankless design and automatic flushing system

Luxury and comfort features

Eco-friendly and sanitary

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Pourquoi Vous Allez l'adorer

Hands-free Opening


Multiple Cleaning Functions


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