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Questions et Réponses pour 1000mm Baignoire Japonaise en Résine de Pierre Blanc Mate Ovale Profonde

4.9 101 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (10)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Where is this manufactured?" asked by K Friedland
A: "Homary is an international online home improvement and decor platform based in Ireland, connecting with worldwide recognized top manufacturers. "
Q: "How much does the tub alone weigh?" asked by anna
A: "The weight of this bath is around 127 kg."
Q: "What is the maximum depth of the water at the seat (from seat to overflow) ?" asked by kkitty
A: "The maximum depth of the water at the seat is 24.2 inches."
Q: "Is this a "one piece" free standing tub?" asked by BODHI
A: "Yes, it’s one piece standing tub"