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Questions et Réponses pour Grand canapé 3 places incurvé recouvert de velours orange moderne de 2370 mm

4.9 75 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (4)

La description

Doté d'un dossier joliment incurvé, ce canapé orange ajoutera une touche moderne et élégante à presque tous les intérieurs. Recouvert de velours orange, son assise rembourrée en mousse et son dossier incurvé offrent un grand confort. Disponible en 2 tailles, ce canapé incurvé s'adapte parfaitement à vos besoins. Il est à noter que les oreillers ne sont pas inclus


Questions et Réponses

Poser Une Question
Q: "I would like to know Does it come with chair and ottoman or is it separate cost for $2089.99 for the sofa only please let me know because I’m interested in the whole set the Ottoman and the chair to so I need a total price." asked by metisse holness
A: "Sorry, For the sofa only. Other parts are not available now."
Q: "Can this be customized with a different fabric?" asked by Jaco
A: "We are sorry that the sofa cannot be customized."
Q: "is the chair in this picture available?" asked by bill
A: "Sorry to inform that the chair in this picture is not available in our website. See more chairs: https://www.homary.com/category/chairs-recliners-15.html."
Q: "Ist das sofa in leder erhältlich und wenn ja, welche garben?" asked by Will
A: "Hallo,die Oberfläche dieses Sofas ist Flanell anstelle von Leder."