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Questions et Réponses pour Table à manger en marbre synthétique avec plateau rectangulaire et base en acier inoxydable

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Questions et Réponses (7)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "How much does the table top weigh? " asked by Kalyan
A: "109 kg. The base is 25 kg."
Q: "Can I get the matching chair?" asked by Linda
A: "Yes, you can check our bundle offer below the page."
Q: "Can it fit 8 seats?" asked by Connie
A: "Yes, we advise you get 6-8 chairs for this table."
Q: "Can you assemble this for me?" asked by Zachary Magdovitz
A: "Sorry, we cannot deliver the entire package for you due to the cancellation space required to transport the package. But we will provide you with an installation video. You can contact us at any time if you have any questions."