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Questions et Réponses pour Vanité de salle de bain flottante grise moderne de 620 mm avec lavabo simple en céramique fixé au mur

4.9 12 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (2)

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Q: "The left sided sink option shows an open drawer with a space in the *middle* for the plumbing. How does that work? I’d expect a space on the *left* for the plumbing, and that’s what I’d need. Thanks!" asked by Alan Artenstein
A: "The supplier confirm that will not influence the installation of connection pipes. The drawers are not go inside totally to the end of the back board, there will be enough space for pipes."
Q: "Does the set come with the faucet?" asked by Raquel
A: "The set does not come with the faucet."