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Questions et Réponses pour Chaises de salle à manger rembourrées grises modernes Linesly Mid-Century en cuir PU (lot de 2)

5.0 93 Reseñas
Preguntas & Respuestas (7)


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Preguntas & Respuestas

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Q: "I want to find a table to fit this chair, can you help me?" asked by Deborah
A: "Yes, here is the link :"
Q: "What is the material of the Upholstery?" asked by Janet
A: "It's leath-aire fabric."
Q: "What is the weight limit for these chairs? How much do they weigh?" asked by Tammy Martin
A: "Here is the answer to your product question: The weight limit is around 100kg and the chair is around 15kg. "