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Questions et Réponses pour Table d'appoint moderne en acrylique transparent avec table d'appoint en forme de C de rangement

4.9 53 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (5)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Does the table top make a screeching sound when placing something on top?" asked by Penny Sawyer
A: "The tabletop does not make a screeching sound when placing something on top."
Q: "Does the coffee table come in clear plastic or glass?" asked by Tabitha Kellogg
A: "The top and base of the side table come in clear plastic/acrylic material."
Q: "Does acrylic scratch easily?" asked by Bertha Addison
A: "Acrylic is not nearly as scratch-resistant as glass. However, small scratches in acrylic can be polished and can be removed easily."
Q: "How much does it weigh?" asked by Josephine Tyler
A: "The side table weighs about 10kg."