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Preguntas y Respuestas para Sofá curvado grande de 3 plazas tapizado en terciopelo naranja moderno de 2370 mm

4.9 75 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (4)

La description

Con un respaldo bellamente curvado, este sofá naranja añadirá un toque moderno y elegante a casi cualquier decoración del hogar. Tapizado en terciopelo naranja, su asiento relleno de espuma y el respaldo curvado ofrecen una gran comodidad. Disponible en 2 tamaños, este sofá curvo se adapta perfectamente a tus necesidades. Cabe mencionar, almohadas no incluidas.

Questions et Réponses

Poser Une Question
Q: "I would like to know Does it come with chair and ottoman or is it separate cost for $2089.99 for the sofa only please let me know because I’m interested in the whole set the Ottoman and the chair to so I need a total price." asked by metisse holness
A: "Sorry, For the sofa only. Other parts are not available now."
Q: "Can this be customized with a different fabric?" asked by Jaco
A: "We are sorry that the sofa cannot be customized."
Q: "is the chair in this picture available?" asked by bill
A: "Sorry to inform that the chair in this picture is not available in our website. See more chairs: https://www.homary.com/category/chairs-recliners-15.html."
Q: "Ist das sofa in leder erhältlich und wenn ja, welche garben?" asked by Will
A: "Hallo,die Oberfläche dieses Sofas ist Flanell anstelle von Leder."