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Preguntas y Respuestas para Sofá cama convertible tapizado en algodón y lino de 2080 mm, sofá cama gris con almacenamiento

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Questions et Réponses (7)

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Q: "How much assembly is needed?" asked by Christina
A: "Please check the listing for the installation guide. https://img2.homary.com/mall/file/2022/09/05/3619a9d90da64d5a900cbbce36e80c14.pdf"
Q: "What is the size of the sleeping area once opened?" asked by Zoelo
A: "The size of the sleeping area is 70.9"* 70.9"."
Q: "What is the seating capacity of the sofa?" asked by Iv
A: "The seating capacity of this sofa is 3 persons."
Q: "What is the seat height as a sofa?" asked by Juliet
A: "The seat height of sofa is 15.7"."