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Preguntas y Respuestas para Sofá moderno tapizado de piel sintética de 89 pulgadas, sofá de 3 plazas en sofá de lujo con patas doradas

4.9 117 Reseñas
Preguntas & Respuestas (13)


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Preguntas & Respuestas

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Q: "Is the bottom directly touching the floor?" asked by Leila
A: "Yes."
Q: "Is it difficult to assemble?" asked by Tim
A: "Hello, this sofa does not require assembly."
Q: "How to clean and care daily?" asked by Kelly
A: "Wipe With Clean Cloth And Mild Soap, When Needed."
Q: "Does this sofa come shipped in to pieces and need to be placed together?" asked by dee
A: "No it doesn't. It comes a whole unit. "