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Preguntas y Respuestas para Luz LED creativa de montaña irregular de 1000 mm, decoración de pared, decoración abstracta para sala de estar

4.8 15 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (3)

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Q: "Do it run by batteries?" asked by Stephanie Robinson
A: "No, it is not. It comes with a USB plug, and you will need to connect it to the USB socket."
Q: "Can this be charged or does it require the chord to be attached to work? " asked by Titus
A: "It can't be charged. It has USBcable but you will need to connect it to USB socket all the way. "
Q: "Does the USB need to be connected for the light to work or does the USB charge this item for a cordless look while still be lit up? Thanks " asked by Titus Dancy
A: "USB need to be connected for the light to work. It comes with a USB cable, and you will need to connect it to the USB socket all the way. "