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Preguntas y Respuestas para Reloj de pared moderno de multicolor, decoración de acrílico para el hogar

4.8 114 Bewertungen
Fragen & Antworten (12)



Fragen & Antworten

Stellen Sie eine Frage
Frage: "What is the frame material of the wall clock?" asked by Kathy
Antwort: "The frame material of the wall clock is acrylic."
Frage: "How to adjust the time of the clock?" asked by Ferris
Antwort: "The time of the wall clock can be adjusted by turning the little knobs at the back of the clock and the clock hands will move as to where you would want to set it."
Frage: "Cette horloge murale est-elle silencieuse/sans tic-tac ?" asked by Keeley
Antwort: "Il devrait être dans la catégorie silencieuse."
Frage: "What is the shipping weight of the item?" asked by Maxine
Antwort: "The shipping weight of this item is 2 kg."